• I was wondering what the big differences between the v2 and v3 patterns are? Something about being easier to assemble (double coated floor material aside)? Something about the floor pan extending further up the stern of the boat? Is there a major difference in cross sections and guide curves of the boat?

  • Some open water below portage lake

    I finished my V3 raft about a week ago, and have been chasing down leaks! The build went pretty well,  I’m now much more curious about commercial welding techniques.  I did have some issues with the fabric contracting upon sealing, really only noticiable over the length of the two long red center tube sections. Once welded, the ends came up a…[Read more]

  • How much power you want depends on how much area you want to weld at once. A soldering iron may melt the material together, but when a complete boat consists of maybe a square meter of welding, the tip of a soldering iron makes maddeningly slow progress.

    I have experimented with various soldering irons attached to a rheostat, an antique one…[Read more]

  • Patrick Dewane became a registered member 7 years, 4 months ago